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Editing the app's bitrise.yml file


You can edit the file on, in the graphical Workflow Editor, or you can download it and edit it locally. Whenever you modify a Workflow or a Step in the Workflow Editor, you're indirectly editing the app's bitrise.yml configuration file.

Whenever you modify a Workflow or a Step in the Workflow Editor, you're indirectly editing the app's bitrise.yml configuration file. However, if you prefer, you can edit the file directly, in YAML.


This requires some familiarity with the structure of the bitrise.yml file. Read more: Basics of bitrise.yml

You can edit the file on, in the graphical Workflow Editor, or you can download it and edit it locally.

Editing the bitrise.yml file online

You can edit your build config in yml format in the bitrise.yml editor if you go to your app’s Workflow Editor and click the bitrise.yml tab.

Managing an app's bitrise.yml configuration
  • Fold and unfold with the - and + signs.

  • Press Ctrl/Cmd + F for search and replace where you can search with RegExp, Match Whole Word, case-sensitive, case-insensitive, or to search only in the selected section.

  • Use the preview sidebar on the right for easier navigation.

To save your changes, click Save in the top right corner.

To download the current bitrise.yml file, click Download currently saved config. Alternatively, you can simply select certain sections of the file and copy those into either a local bitrise.yml file or into another app's bitrise.yml file.

Editing the bitrise.yml file locally

Our yml scheme is shared on schemastore. This means that syntax highlight and auto-completion is available for the following files if you edit them locally:

  • bitrise.yml

  • step.yml

  • bitrise.json

The following editors support the auto-complete feature:

  • IntelliJ IDEA

  • PhpStorm

  • PyCharm

  • Rider

  • RubyMine

  • Visual Studio 2013+

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Visual Studio for Mac

  • WebStorm

  • JSONBuddy
