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Steps requiring Apple authentication
Check out all the Bitrise Steps that require a connection to an Apple service using either an API key or an Apple ID.
In this guide we list all the Steps that require authentication and the authentication methods that you can choose from depending on your app’s requirement.
Manage iOS Code Signing Step
This Step takes care of setting up the required code signing assets before your project is built on Bitrise. The Step uses your API key or your Apple ID and password authentication to connect to an Apple service. Once connection is configured, the Step will:
Generate, update and download the provisioning profiles needed for your iOS project.
Verify and register the project's Bundle IDs on the Apple Developer Site.
Register the iOS devices connected to your Bitrise account with the App Store Connect.
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Step
The Step archives your Xcode project by running the xcodebuild archive
command and then exports the archive into an IPA file with the xcodebuild -exportArchive
command. This IPA file can be shared, installed on test devices, or uploaded to the App Store
The Step can also perform iOS code signing if the Automatic code signing method input specifies a method. By default, it's turned off. To perform iOS code signing, it can use API key or Apple ID authentication.
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
Export iOS and tvOS Xcode archive Step
Exports an IPA from an existing iOS and tvOS .xcarchive file. You can add multiple Export iOS and tvOS Xcode archive Steps to your Workflows to create multiple different signed IPA files.
The Step can also perform iOS code signing if the Automatic code signing method input specifies a method. By default, it's turned off. To perform iOS code signing, it can use API key or Apple ID authentication.
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
Xcode Build for testing for iOS Step
The Step runs Xcode's xcodebuild command with the build-for-testing option. This builds your app and associated tests so that you can, for example, upload it to a third-party testing service to run your tests on a real device. The Step also creates
an .xctestrun
file. To be able to run your tests on a real device it needs code signing.
The Automatic code signing method Step input allows you to log you into your Apple Developer account based on the Apple service connection you provide on Bitrise and download any provisioning profiles needed for your project based on the Distribution method.
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
Deploy to App Store Connect with Deliver Step
With this Step, you can upload screenshots, metadata and binaries to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ and submit your app for App Store review using the fastlane deliver action. The Deploy to App Store Connect with Deliver (formerly iTunes Connect) Step can connect to your Apple Developer Account either with Apple ID or with the App Store Connect API, or through Step inputs. Please note that in the case of 2FA enabled Apple ID, the Deploy to App Store Connect with Deliver (formerly iTunes Connect) Step can only work with Apple ID authentication which you can set on the Apple Service page of your profile. The default method is the API key authentication. Choose the connection method that works with your project:
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
Deploy to App Store Connect - Application Loader (formerly iTunes Connect) Step
With this Step, you can upload binaries (.ipa or .pkg files) to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/. The Deploy to App Store Connect - Application Loader (formerly iTunes Connect) Step can connect to your Apple Developer Account either with the App Store Connect API, the Apple ID and password, or through Step inputs. Choose the connection method that works with your project:
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
fastlane Step
With this Step you can run your fastlane lanes on Bitrise just like you would locally. Check out our guide about Integrating fastlane to Bitrise for more information.
Please note that in the case of 2FA enabled Apple ID, the Fastlane Step can only work with Apple ID authentication which you can set on the Apple Service page of your profile.
Two-factor authentication fails with the Fastlane Step
In some cases, the Fastlane Step doesn't get the value of the FASTLANE_SESSION
variable correctly when attempting to connect to the Apple Developer portal, causing two-factor authentication to fail. Check out the potential workaround for this issue.
Connecting to an Apple service with API key
A Workflow is a collection of Steps, Environment Variables, and other configurations. When Bitrise starts a build, it runs one or more Workflows according to the configuration defined in the bitrise.yml