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Adding and managing apps


You can add new apps on Bitrise with the API: add the app, generate SSH keys, and set up the app’s initial configuration.

You can add new apps on Bitrise with the API: add the app, generate SSH keys, and set up the app’s initial configuration.

In addition, you can list all apps belonging, for example, to a single user or to a specific Workspace.

Adding a new app with the API

Table 1. Endpoints used in adding a new app with the Bitrise API



Required role on the app's team

POST /apps/register

Add a new app.


POST /apps/{app-slug}/register-ssh-key

Add an SSH key to a specific app.

Owner or Admin

POST /apps/{app-slug}/finish

Save the application at the end of the application add process.


POST /apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml

Upload a new bitrise.yml for your application.

Owner or Admin

Apps with HTTPS Git URLs

The procedure and the examples are aimed at adding a private app with an SSH git URL. If you want to add an app with an HTTPS git URL, you can skip adding an SSH key.

  1. Register the app by calling the register endpoint and setting all required parameters.

    You need to set your git provider, the repository URL, the slug of the repository as it appears at the provider, and the slug of the owner of the repository. You also need to add the slug of the Workspace that will own the app: due to legacy naming conventions, you need the organization_slug parameter.

    curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' '' -d \
          "provider": "github",
          "is_public": false,
          "organization_slug": "$ORG_SLUG"
          "repo_url": "[email protected]:api_demo/example-repository.git",
          "type": "git",
          "git_repo_slug": "example-repository",
          "git_owner": "api_demo"

    Changing the name of your app

    By default, when you register an app, it will inherit the name of your git repository.

    If you would like to add the app with a different name, you can append the "title" parameter to your POST request using the following syntax:

    curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' '' -d \
        "title": "string"

    You can also change the name of your app after creating it, by sending a PATCH request and calling the apps endpoint. For more information, see Managing an existing app.

  2. Once done, call the register-ssh-key endpoint to set up the SSH keys you created so that Bitrise can clone your repository when running a build.

    You need to provide both your private and public SSH key. Please note that if you wish to copy the private key manually, you need to escape all the line breaks with \n.

    You can also set whether you want to automatically register the public key at your git provider: set the is_register_key_into_provider_service parameter to either true or false.

    curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' '' -d \
        "auth_ssh_private_key": "your-private-ssh-key",
        "auth_ssh_public_key": "your-public-ssh-key",
        "is_register_key_into_provider_service": false
  3. Finish the app registration process by calling the finish endpoint.

    This endpoint allows you to configure your apps: set the project type, the stack on which the build will run (this may vary based on your app), and the initial configuration settings.

    You can also set Environment Variables, as well as immediately specify a Workspace that will be the owner of the application. Please note that the mode parameter must be set to the value of manual.

    curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' '' -d \
         "project_type": "ios",
         "stack_id": "osx-xcode-13.2.x",
         "config": "default-ios-config",
         "mode": "manual",
         "envs": {
               "env1": "val1",
               "env2": "val2"
         "organization_slug": "e1ec3dea540bcf21"

Managing an existing app

Table 1. Endpoints related to managing an existing app with the Bitrise API



Required role on the app's team

GET /apps

Get list of your apps.


GET /apps/{app-slug}

Get a specific app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml

Get the bitrise.yml of a specific app.

Owner or Admin

GET /apps/{app-slug}/branches

List the branches of an app’s repository.


GET /organizations/{org-slug}/apps

Get list of the apps for a Workspace.


GET /users/{user-slug}/apps

Get list of the apps for a user.


PATCH /apps/{app-slug}

Update an existing app's parameters

Owner or Admin

The response to any GET request regarding one or more apps will contain the app slug, its project type, the git provider, the repository’s owner and URL:

  "data": [
      "slug": "eeeeefffff00000",
      "title": "sample-app",
      "project_type": "android",
      "provider": "github",
      "repo_owner": "example-user",
      "repo_url": "[email protected]:example-user/sample-app.git",
      "repo_slug": "android-gradle-kotlin-dsl",
      "is_disabled": false,
      "status": -1,
      "is_public": false,
      "owner": {
        "account_type": "organization",
        "name": "Test Org",
        "slug": "fffffeeeee00000"
      "avatar_url": null

You can also download the existing bitrise.yml file of any app: the response will contain the full YAML configuration.

Would you like to change the title or the default git branch of an existing app? You can update an existing app's parameters by calling the PATCH method of the apps endpoint.

Required role

You must have an admin or owner role on the app's team to update an existing app's parameters using the Bitrise API.

For a complete list of user roles and role cheatsheets, check User roles on app teams.

The required parameter is:

  • slug

The optional parameters are:

  • apple_credential_user_id: The new apple credential user ID (recommendation: use the UI to set this)

  • apple_credential_user_slug: The new apple credential user slug (recommendation: use the UI to set this)

  • default_branch: The new default branch for the application.

  • is_public: The new the value if the application should be publicly visible.

  • repository_url: The new repository URL for the application.

  • services_credential_user_id: The new service credential user ID (recommendation: use the UI to set this).

  • title: The new title of the application.

Example 1. Changing the name and the default branch of an existing app


curl -X 'PATCH' '' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"default_branch": "main", "title": "Example_app_title_3"}'

Managing app access roles for Workspace groups

You can grant Workspace groups access to application teams on Bitrise. It means that all members of the group will be able to work on the app in the role assigned to the group.

List all groups that have been granted a given role on an app's team by using the GET /apps/{app-slug}/roles/{role-name} endpoint. The role-name parameter takes three possible values:

  • admin

  • manager: this is the equivalent of the Developer role on

  • member: this is the equivalent of Tester/QA on

In this example, we're querying a list of Workspace groups that have been granted Admin role to a specific app:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN'

Grant access to existing Workspace groups by using the PUT /apps/{app-slug}/roles/{role-name} endpoint. This endpoint requires a groups object that contains the slugs of all the groups that are granted access with the specified role.

Specify all groups

This endpoint replaces all previous groups that had the specified role on the app's team. If, for example, you call the endpoint to grant the groups Alpha and Beta the Admin role on the app's team, only Alpha and Beta will have Admin access to the app afterwards. If another group - let's call it Delta - previously had Admin role on the team, it will be removed.

Getting the group slugs

To get the group slugs of your Workspace, use the GET /organizations/{org-slug}/groups endpoint.

In the following example, we'll be granting several groups Admin access:

curl -X 'PUT' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "groups": [

Deleting an app using the API

Deletion is final

Be aware that you cannot undo deleting an app. Once you delete it, there is no way to recover the app.

You can delete apps with the Bitrise API. The only required parameter is the app slug of the app you want to delete:

curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' '' 

Changing the location of the app's bitrise.yml file

The app's bitrise.yml configuration file can be stored in two places:

  • On This is the default setting for all apps.

  • In your app's repository. This way you have full control over the versioning and maintenance of the config file. You can still use the graphical Workflow Editor on to modify your configuration but you will need to commit your changes to the repository.

You can get and change the location of the file using the API.

Admin access required

Both endpoints related to the location of the bitrise.yml file require admin level access to the app.

With the GET/apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml/config endpoint, you can get the location of the file. Location here means that calling the endpoint tells you whether the file is stored on or in the repository. The endpoint takes no parameters and it returns one of two values in the response:

  • "location": ""

  • "location": "repository"

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN'

With the PUT/apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml/config endpoint, you can change the location of the file: that is, you can tell Bitrise whether to look for the config file on or in your repository. This endpoint takes one of two values in a JSON object:

  • "location": "" to store the config file on

  • "location": "repository" to store the config file in your repository.

Commit the config file into your repository

Please note that changing the location to repository merely tells Bitrise to look for the bitrise.yml file in the app's repository. If the file does not exist in the repository, the endpoint won't return an error but you won't be able to run builds because Bitrise won't find the config file.

curl -X 'PUT' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "location": ""

Changing machine types in all apps at the same time

Table 1. Endpoints used to migrate machine types from one to another



Required role

PATCH /user/{user-slug}/apps/machine_types

Migrate a specified machine type to another in all apps owned by the same user.


PATCH /organizations/{org-slug}/apps/machine_types

Migrate a specified machine type to another in all apps owned by the same Workspace.

Workspace owner

The Bitrise API provides two endpoints that allow you to switch between one machine type and another for all apps owned by either a user or a Workspace. The endpoints parse the bitrise.yml file of each app, look for all occurrences of a specified machine type, and replace them with another type. For example, you can switch from M1 Medium to M1 Large on all your apps with this endpoint.

Both endpoints take two parameters:

  • from_machine: The machine type you want to switch from.

    to_machine: The machine type you want to switch to.

You can find the list of available machine types here: Build machine types.

If the endpoints don't find the machine type specified in the from_machine parameter, they will still return a 200 response, with an empty migrated_apps object.

Default and Workflow-specific stacks

The endpoints can change the machine types for both default stacks and Workflow-specific stacks.

Example 1. Migrating all apps owned by a user from M1 Medium machines to M1 Large machines:
curl -X 'PATCH' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: PERSONAL-ACCESS-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "from_machine": "g2-m1.4core",
  "to_machine": "g2-m1.8core"

Example 2. Migrating all apps owned by a Workspace from M1 Max Medium machines to M1 Max Large machines:
curl -X 'PATCH' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: PERSONAL-ACCESS-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "from_machine": "g2-m1-max.5core",
  "to_machine": "g2-m1-max.10core"

Example 3. Successful respose
  "message": "The migration was successful.",
  "migrated_apps": [
    "android-sample (8f41200-e5a5eee17)",
    "sample-swift-project (c291b04-784ca8773)",

Managing app notifications

You can change the email notification settings of your apps via an API call at any time with the PATCH/apps/{app-slug}/update-email-notifications endpoint. The endpoint takes two parameters:

  • on_failure: Email notification settings for failed builds.

  • on_success: Email notification settings for successful builds.

Both parameters take three possible values:

  • always: Always send notification. The default value for failed builds.

  • never : Never send notification.

  • change: Send notification only when the build status changes compared to the previous build on the same branch. The default value for successful builds.

For example, if you wish to receive a notification for a failed build only when the previous build was successful, you need to set the value of the on_failure parameter to change (replace the APP-SLUG in the example with your app's slug and ACCESS-TOKEN with your personal access token):

curl -X 'PATCH' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: ACCESS-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "on_failure": "change",