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Build statuses


On the Builds page, you can track the current status of all your builds. There are six different build statuses: on hold, starting, running, aborted, failed, and success.

On the Builds page, you can track the current status of all your builds. There are six different build statuses:

  • On hold: There are more builds started than what your current plan allows. In most cases, this is only relevant for legacy, concurrency-based plans: it means you don't have enough concurrency to start another build.

    Time limit

    All builds on hold are aborted after 30 days to ensure no build gets permanently stuck.

  • Starting: When a build is triggered, Bitrise creates a virtual machine to run it. If computing resources aren’t immediately available, the build is placed in a queue. Once a worker is available, the worker assigned to create the virtual machine is processing the build request.

  • Running: Once a virtual machine is ready to go, the build starts running. This means that Bitrise is executing all the Steps defined in your Workflow.

  • Aborted: A build can be aborted manually by the user, or automatically either by the Rolling builds feature or because your build time has run out.

    Aborted with success

    There is a specific status called Aborted with success: this means the build has been aborted by the API but it is reported as a success to your git hosting provider.

    Use the abort_with_success parameter with a Bitrise API call to abort a build but still count it as a successful one.

  • Failed: In most cases, a build fails if any of the Steps fails. There are exceptions, such as the caching Steps, and you can mark Steps as skippable which means even if they fail, the build will keep running.

  • Success: If Bitrise successfully executes all Steps that aren’t marked as skippable, the build is marked as successful.

You can always check your build status on the Builds page of the app, and you can send status reports: Reporting the build status to your Git hosting provider