Sending Slack messages in a build
You can integrate Slack to your app on Bitrise by adding the "Send a Slack message" Step to your app's Workflow.
You can send Slack messages during a Bitrise build to individual users, groups or channels with the Send a Slack message Step. Customize the messages, include attachments, and link buttons that will take the users to the build page.
To use the Step to send messages:
Set up the workspace Slack integration and get the integration ID.
The Step needs the integration ID.
Add the integration ID as a Secret.
Add the Send a Slack message Step to your Workflow.
Make sure that it is always set to run even if the previous Step failed!
This is the default setting of the Step. If you change it, messages won’t be sent if the build fails.
Find the Slack integration ID input and add the Secret containing the integration ID.
Customize your Slack message with the relevant inputs of the Step.
There are several options, including but not limited to:
Setting the target channel, group or username: this can be a name or an encoded ID.
The text of the message to send.
The bot’s username for the message
The message’s color
File attachment
Link buttons attached to the message
Check out all the inputs in the Workflow Editor to see all the ways in which you can customize your Slack messages.