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Enabling the Bitrise Support Access for your app


You can enable the Bitrise Support Access from the App settings page. This way, our support team can have access to your project, specifically your Workflow, build log, app settings, and your bitrise.yml.

If you’re stuck with a problem on Bitrise, go to our Support Center page and see what helps you the most: you can browse our Documentation, check out our Knowledge Base or our community pages to find solutions for specific issues. You can also get in touch with our Support team by clicking the Submit a Request button.

In this article we describe how you can enable the Bitrise Support Access so that our Support team can have access to your app, specifically your Workflow, build log, app settings or your bitrise.yml file. With the toggle function, you can easily turn the Bitrise Support Access on and off. No need to add us as a user to your app's Team.

The Bitrise Support user, when enabled, has Admin access to your app. That means it can do anything that a regular user with Admin access rights on an app can do: it has access to your builds and can edit your Workflows, modify the inputs of the Team, Code and options in App Settings.

No access to billing information

The Bitrise Support user can’t see your Account information or any Billing information. Only the owner of the account has access to this information and has the right to modify any account-related records.

The Support user can’t see your other apps where the Support user is not enabled. For details, see What the Bitrise Support user can/can't do?

How long does the Bitrise Support Access remain active?

Due to security reasons once you toggle the Bitrise Support Access on, it will remain active for two weeks after which it automatically gets revoked.

Let’s see how to set it up!

  1. Open your app on Bitrise with a user that has the Admin role on the app's team.

  2. On the main page of the app, click on the App Settings icon: settings.svg.

  3. On the left, select General from the menu options.

  4. Scroll down to the Support Access and toggle the switch to the right to enable it. It might take a couple of seconds to work and you might need to refresh your page to see the enabled status.


In case of a failing Workflow, our best practice is to create a new and correct version of the failing Workflow called support-testing. You can compare our support-testing with your own and update yours or keep the support-testing orkflow, rename it as you wish, and develop it further.