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Building an iOS app for a simulator

You can build an iOS app for an iOS or tvOS simulator platform.

To do this, you'll need the Xcode Build for Simulator Step. The Step creates an .app file which you can install on any macOS device or send to, for example, testers. This requires no code signing at all, so it is an easy way to create a distributable version of your iOS app.

The Step also creates an .xctestrun file which you can use to run tests. Both the .app file and the .xctestrun file can be accessed by subsequent Steps referring to their output variable, and they can be downloaded as a build artifact.

To build the app for a simulator:

Workflow Editor


  1. Make sure you install all necessary dependencies in your Workflow.

    We have dedicated Steps for many different dependency managers, including:

  2. Add the Xcode Build for Simulator Step to your Workflow after the Step(s) installing dependencies.

  3. Make sure the Project path input points to either your .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file.

    The input sets the -project or -workspace option of the xcodebuild command. In most cases, if your app has been automatically configured by the project scanner during the process of adding the app, the default value does not need to be changed.

  4. In the Scheme input, set the name of the Xcode scheme you want to use to build the app.


    The input sets the -scheme option of the xcodebuild command. The default value is an Environment Variable created when adding the app and performing the first-time configuration. If you need to use a different scheme, you can type its name here.

    Build configuration

    By default, the Step will use the build configuration specified in the scheme. However, you can override it and use a different build configuration: add the name of the desired build configuration to the Configuration name input. This input is optional and you only need it if you don't want to use the build configuration specified in the selected scheme.

    You can create new build configurations in your Xcode project at any time: Adding a build configuration file to your project.

  5. Configure simulator run destinations:

    • Device Model: Set the device name that you want to test the app on. Set the device name exactly as it appears in Xcode's device selection interface. For example, iPhone 14 Pro.

    • OS version: Set the required OS version as it appears in Xcode's device selection interface. For example, iOS 16.2.

    • Platform: Select either iOS or tvOS.

  6. Optionally, set the Code signing allowed input to yes. This allows code signing files to be installed during the build.

    In most cases, you don't need code signing for an app built for a simulator. It might be required for certain test cases or third-party dependencies. To set up code signing, see iOS code signing.

  7. To access your app as a build artifact, add the Deploy to Step to the end of your Workflow. By default, you don't have to modify anything in the Step's configuration.

  1. Make sure you install all necessary dependencies in your Workflow.

    We have dedicated Steps for many different dependency managers, including:

  2. Add the xcode-build-for-simulator Step to your Workflow after the Step(s) installing dependencies.

          - cocoapods-install
          - xcode-build-for-simulator:
  3. Make sure the project_path input points to either your .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file.

    The input sets the -project or -workspace option of the xcodebuild command. In most cases, if your app has been automatically configured by the project scanner during the process of adding the app, the default value does not need to be changed.

    - xcode-build-for-simulator:
          - project_path: $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
  4. In the scheme input, set the name of the Xcode scheme you want to use to build the app.

    The input sets the -scheme option of the xcodebuild command. The default value is an Environment Variable created when adding the app and performing the first-time configuration. If you need to use a different scheme, make sure to type the name of the scheme correctly.

    - xcode-build-for-simulator:
          - scheme: $BITRISE_SCHEME
          - project_path: $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH

    Build configuration

    By default, the Step will use the build configuration specified in the scheme. However, you can override it and use a different build configuration: add the name of the desired build configuration to the configuration input. This input is optional and you only need it if you don't want to use the build configuration specified in the selected scheme.

    You can create new build configurations in your Xcode project at any time: Adding a build configuration file to your project.

  5. Configure simulator run destinations:

    • simulator_device: Set the device name that you want to test the app on. Set the device name exactly as it appears in Xcode's device selection interface. For example, iPhone 14 Pro.

    • simulator_os_version: Set the required OS version as it appears in Xcode's device selection interface. For example, iOS 16.2.

    • simulator_platform: Select either iOS or tvOS.

    - xcode-build-for-simulator:
          - scheme: $BITRISE_SCHEME
          - simulator_device: iPhone 14 Plus
          - simulator_os_version: '16.2'
          - simulator_platform: iOS
          - project_path: $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
  6. Optionally, set the code_signing_allowed input to yes. This allows code signing files to be installed during the build.

    In most cases, you don't need code signing for an app built for a simulator. It might be required for certain test cases or third-party dependencies. To set up code signing, see iOS code signing.

    - xcode-build-for-simulator:
          - scheme: $BITRISE_SCHEME
          - simulator_device: iPhone 14 Plus
          - simulator_os_version: '16.2'
          - simulator_platform: iOS
          - code_signing_allowed: 'yes'
          - project_path: $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
  7. To access your app as a build artifact, add the deploy-to-bitrise-io Step to the end of your Workflow. By default, you don't have to modify anything in the Step's configuration.

        - generate-cordova-build-configuration@0: {}
        - xcode-build-for-test@2: {}
        - xcode-test@4: {}
        - [email protected]:
              - scheme: $BITRISE_SCHEME
              - simulator_device: iPhone 14 Plus
              - simulator_os_version: '16.2'
              - simulator_platform: iOS
              - configuration: debug
              - code_signing_allowed: 'no'
              - project_path: $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
        - deploy-to-bitrise-io