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Managing an app's builds


You can use the Bitrise API to list an app's build, get all information about a specific build, view the build logs, and view archived builds that are older than 200 days.

You can use the Bitrise API to list an app's build, get all information about a specific build, view the build logs, and view archived builds that are older than 200 days.

Table 1. Endpoints used in managing an app's builds



Required role on the app's team

GET /apps/{app-slug}/archived-builds

List archived builds of a specified app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/build-workflows

List the workflows that were triggered at any time for a specified app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds

List all the builds of a specified app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}

Get the specified build of a given app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/bitrise.yml

Get the bitrise.yml file of one of the builds of a specified app.


GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/log

Get the build log of a specified build of an app.


GET /builds

List all the Bitrise builds that can be accessed with the authenticated account.


Viewing the build data of an app

You can access all relevant build information with the help of the API.

You can get all builds of an app with the GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds endpoint. You can set additional parameters, such as the Workflow that was used for the build, to act as filters. Set parameters in the following format:

GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds?parameter_name=parameter_value&other_parameter_name=other_parameter_value

The full list of parameters can be found in the API reference documentation.

Build retention for 200 days

On the Builds page of your app, we only show builds from the last 200 days. The same limit applies if you are searching for specific builds on the page. This limitation also applies to most API calls: the GET/apps/{app-slug}/builds endpoint and related endpoints can only return builds from the last 200 days.

However, there are two methods to get a build that is older than 200 days:

Example 1. Listing builds that built the development branch with the primary Workflow


curl -X GET '$APP-SLUG/builds?branch=development&workflow=primary' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response (in this example, the response shows only a single build):

  "data": [
      "triggered_at": "2022-07-18T13:12:35Z",
      "started_on_worker_at": null,
      "environment_prepare_finished_at": null,
      "finished_at": "2022-07-18T13:12:47Z",
      "slug": "294e02x8-554c-44f8-84a5-59867a66df83",
      "status": 3,
      "status_text": "aborted",
      "abort_reason": "User X requested to abort this build.",
      "is_on_hold": false,
      "is_processed": true,
      "is_status_sent": false,
      "branch": "development",
      "build_number": 8,
      "commit_hash": null,
      "commit_message": null,
      "tag": null,
      "triggered_workflow": "primary",
      "triggered_by": null,
      "machine_type_id": "g2.4core",
      "stack_identifier": "osx-xcode-13.3.x",
      "original_build_params": {
        "branch": "development"
      "pipeline_workflow_id": null,
      "pull_request_id": 0,
      "pull_request_target_branch": null,
      "pull_request_view_url": null,
      "commit_view_url": null,
      "credit_cost": null
  "paging": {
    "total_item_count": 1,
    "page_item_limit": 50

To get the same data for a specific build, call GET /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}. You can also view the bitrise.yml file of the build by adding /bitrise.yml to the end of the URL.

Example 2. Listing failed builds using the status integer

You can use the status integer to filter your builds based on build statuses. The status integers are:

  • 0 - Not finished (these are builds that are either starting, running, or on hold)

  • 1 - Successful

  • 2 - Failed

  • 3 - Aborted with failure

  • 4 - Aborted with success


curl -X GET '$APP-SLUG/builds?branch=development&status=2' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response (in this example there were two failed builds):

  "data": [
      "triggered_at": "2022-08-01T09:20:11Z",
      "started_on_worker_at": "2022-08-01T09:20:15Z",
      "environment_prepare_finished_at": "2022-08-01T09:20:15Z",
      "finished_at": "2022-08-01T09:21:32Z",
      "slug": "104d4527-f6a0-4362-b595-77349ccc1264",
      "status": 2,
      "status_text": "error",
      "abort_reason": null,
      "is_on_hold": false,
      "is_processed": true,
      "is_status_sent": false,
      "branch": "main",
      "build_number": 26,
      "commit_hash": null,
      "commit_message": null,
      "tag": null,
      "triggered_workflow": "",
      "triggered_by": "manual-danicsorba",
      "machine_type_id": "g2.4core",
      "stack_identifier": "osx-xcode-13.2.x",
      "original_build_params": {
        "branch": "main",
        "workflow_id": ""
      "pipeline_workflow_id": null,
      "pull_request_id": 0,
      "pull_request_target_branch": null,
      "pull_request_view_url": null,
      "commit_view_url": null,
      "credit_cost": 4
      "triggered_at": "2022-04-27T10:25:47Z",
      "started_on_worker_at": "2022-04-27T10:26:24Z",
      "environment_prepare_finished_at": "2022-04-27T10:26:24Z",
      "finished_at": "2022-04-27T10:27:16Z",
      "slug": "b8599c39-201d-4cc9-8ef5-f28b75b7d910",
      "status": 2,
      "status_text": "error",
      "abort_reason": null,
      "is_on_hold": false,
      "is_processed": true,
      "is_status_sent": false,
      "branch": "main",
      "build_number": 25,
      "commit_hash": null,
      "commit_message": null,
      "tag": null,
      "triggered_workflow": "",
      "triggered_by": "manual-danicsorba",
      "machine_type_id": "g2.4core",
      "stack_identifier": "osx-xcode-13.2.x",
      "original_build_params": {
        "branch": "main",
        "workflow_id": ""
      "pipeline_workflow_id": null,
      "pull_request_id": 0,
      "pull_request_target_branch": null,
      "pull_request_view_url": null,
      "commit_view_url": null,
      "credit_cost": 2
  "paging": {
    "total_item_count": 2,
    "page_item_limit": 50

You can try any of these endpoints in the API reference documentation.

Listing the archived builds of an app

By default, you can only view builds that aren't older than 200 days. This is true for most API endpoints, too. However, you can also view older, archived builds by calling the GET /apps/{app-slug}/archived-builds endpoint.

The endpoint has two required parameters:

  • after

  • before

Both parameters are dates represented using Unix timestamps and both are required! In other words, you have to specify the exact time period in which you want to see your archived builds.

Example 1. Listing all archived builds between 2021-01-01 and 2022-01-01
curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: THE_ACCESS_TOKEN'