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Running device tests with Firebase for multiplatform apps


Run native device tests for Flutter and React Native apps using Bitrise's device testing solution.

You can run native device tests for Flutter and React Native apps using Bitrise's device testing solution.

Testing the iOS app

  1. Add tests using the XCTest framework to the iOS app of the project.

  2. Build your app for testing with the Xcode Build for testing for iOS Step.

    Make sure that the Project path input of the Step points to the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file of your project. You can find these in the iOS folder. If you used automatic configuration to add your React Native app to Bitrise, you don't need to modify the default value of the input ($BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH.

  3. Run your device tests with the Device testing for iOS Step.

    For detailed information on configuring an iOS app for device testing, see Running device tests with Firebase for iOS apps.

Testing the Android app

You can run robo-, instrumentation- and gameloop tests using the Virtual Device Testing for Android Step. However, one instance of the Step can only run one type of test. If you need to run multiple test types, you need multiple instances of the Step.

  1. Add tests to the Android app of the project.

  2. Build the app for UI testing with the Android Build for UI Testing Step.

    Make sure the Project Location input of the Step points to the root directory of the Android app. For example, ./android.

  3. Run your device tests with the Device testing for Android Step.

    For detailed information on configuring an Android app for device testing, see Device testing for Android.