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Remote build caching with the Bitrise Build Cache


The Bitrise Build Cache is a fully managed caching solution that reduces CI build durations for applications built with Gradle and Bazel build systems. It specifically caches build and test outputs to minimize how much work is done in subsequent builds.

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The Bitrise Build Cache is a fully managed caching solution that reduces CI build durations for applications built with Gradle and Bazel build systems. It specifically caches build and test outputs to minimize how much work is done in subsequent builds, making it more efficient in environments with frequent updates. Compatible with any CI tool, it accelerates the build cycle without requiring you to manage a caching infrastructure.

Bitrise supports remote build caching for the following build systems:


Invocation is a key concept in remote caching, one that we use often in the guides. An invocation is a single Gradle or Bazel command execution. This means running a specific gradle or bazel command to achieve a particular goal.

Invocations are only counted when the Remote Build Cache is enabled and used.