Pipeline Management FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Pipeline feature on Bitrise.
Can I build my Pipelines on the Workflow tab of the Workflow Editor?
No, unfortunately, as of right now, you have to edit the bitrise.yml
Can I use Pipelines if I store my bitrise.yml file in my own repository?
Yes, absolutely. It makes no difference to Pipelines.
How can I set the stack for my Pipeline?
In the current version, you can set the default stack for your app, or you can set Workflow-specific stacks, just like with standalone builds.
How can I use Environment Variables with a Pipeline?
You can keep using app-level and Workflow-level Environment Variables.
Can I rerun a failed Pipeline?
Yes. Go to the Pipeline details page, and click the button. From there you have the option to rerun failed and subsequent Workflows or to rerun the entire Pipeline. For more information, see Rebuild a failed Pipeline.
Does the Rolling Builds feature work on Pipelines?
Yes! You don’t have to worry about wasting credits with builds that are no longer necessary because of new commits or pull requests.