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Configuring Slack and Teams notifications for releases

You can enable Slack and Microsoft Teams notifications for Release Management events. You need to create an incoming webhook at your preferred service (or both), and add the webhook URL in Release Management.

Configuring the notifications

  1. Configure an incoming webhook at Slack or Teams.

  2. Open Release Management, and select your app from the Connected apps list.

  3. Select Releases and then select the release you need.

  4. Select Configuration on the left navigation bar.

  5. Go to the Notifications tab.

  6. In the Connected services section, find your service, and click the Edit button in its section.

  7. In the pop-up window, copy and paste your webhook URL in the Webhook url field.

  8. Click Save.

Notification events

Depending on your release type, different notifications are sent:

Table 1. Notification events for iOS apps



Event description

Release candidate

Release candidate set

This event is triggered each time there is a new release candidate is selected in the Release Candidate stage. This can happen automatically (a new build generated a new IPA) or manually (the release manager locks a specific build on the Release Candidate stage).

TestFlight upload

Upload and processing finished

This event is triggered after the TestFlight Processing finished for an uploaded IPA. First we upload the IPA to TestFlight, then the TestFlight Processing starts. When the processing finishes, we trigger the event.


Release approved

This event happens after all the tasks are approved on the Approval stage. So it will not be triggered for each approval, only when all of them are done.

App Store review

Release sent for review

This event happens when the store review submission starts. (Release Manager clicks on the submit button, and Apple accepts it)

Status of review submission changed

This event is triggered each time there is a change in the status of the review submission. (Approved, rejected, canceled)


Release started

This happens after the submission was accepted, and the release rollout started (so the new version becomes available in App Store Connect)

Release finished

This happens when the release in Release Management completes.

Table 2. Notification events for Android apps



Release candidate

Release candidate set

Google Play upload

Upload finished

Release on testing track


Release approved


Release started

Release finished

Rollout percentage changed