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Step bundles


Step bundles allow you to reuse Steps and sequences of Steps in any Workflow in a convenient way, without having to manually copy and paste Steps from a YAML file.

Step bundles allow you to group multiple Steps into a single unit. With Step bundles, you can reuse Steps and sequences of Steps without manually copying and pasting from a YAML configuration file.

Step bundles are configured with a root level entity called step_bundles. You can insert Step bundles into any Workflow. Unlike utility Workflows and Workflow chaining, Step Bundles can be placed anywhere in a Workflow.

When running a build, each Step within the bundle will run at the position the bundle is inserted.

Creating a Step bundle

Workflow Editor

Configuration YAML

  1. Open the Workflow Editor.

  2. On the left, select Step bundles.

  3. Click Create Step bundle if you don't have any bundles.

    If you already have at least one Step bundle, open the dropdown menu in the middle and click Create Step bundle.

  4. In the dialog, provide a name for your bundle.

  5. If you have existing Step bundles, you can select one from the dropdown menu: your new Step bundle will be a copy of the existing one.

  6. When done, click Create Step bundle.

  7. Add your first Step by clicking Add Step or Step bundle.

    Adding a Step bundle within another Step bundle is called nesting: Nested Step bundles.

  8. Add additional Steps or bundles by hovering above or under an already added Step or bundle and clicking on the plus sign.

  1. Open the configuration YAML of your project.

  2. Add a step_bundles entity to the top level of the YAML file and give it a name. You will refer to the bundle by this name.

    format_version: 11
  3. Add a steps property under your bundle and add the Steps you want to run. You can reference Steps here the same way as in a Workflow.

    In this example, we add the restore-cache Step and an npm Step.

    format_version: 11
        - restore-cache@1: {}
        - npm@1: {}
  4. Add your Step bundle to an existing Workflow. The syntax works like this: bundle::<bundle-name>.

        - [email protected]: {}
        - bundle::install_deps: {}
        - deploy-to-bitrise-io@2: {} 

Creating a Step bundle based on a utility Workflow

You can create a Step bundle based on a utility Workflow. The bundle will contain all the Steps that were part of the utility Workflow. But unlike a utility Workflow, you can place the Step bundle anywhere within another Workflow.

  1. Open the Workflow Editor.

  2. On the left, select Step bundles.

  3. From the Based on dropdown menu, choose a utility Workflow.

  4. Click Create Step bundle.

Nested Step bundles

Step bundles allow nesting: you can add a Step bundle within another Step bundle. This allows you to create large, complex configurations with easily replaceable parts. You can add as many Step bundles within another Step bundles as you want.

Workflow Editor

Configuration YAML

  1. Open the Workflow Editor.

  2. On the left, select Step bundles.

  3. Select a Step bundle from the dropdown menu in the middle.

  4. If it's an empty bundle, click Add Step or Step bundle.

    If the bundle already has Steps in it, hover between Steps and click the plus sign.

  5. In the dialog, go to the Step bundle tab.

  6. Select a bundle to add it to the original bundle.

  7. Use drag-and-drop to move it within the bundle.

  8. When done, click Save changes

  1. In the configuration YAML file, define the Step bundle you want to nest within a step_bundles property.

          - activate-ssh-key: {}
          - git-clone: {}
  2. Nest this bundle within another one by using the bundles property.

          - activate-ssh-key: {}
          - git-clone: {}
          - bundle::initialize: {}
          - deploy-to-bitrise-io: {}

Step bundle inputs

In any Step bundle, a list of inputs can be defined under the inputs key. These are the only inputs you can set for a Step bundle: you can't define additional inputs outside the bundle definition.

You can, however, set values for the predefined inputs of a Step bundle outside the bundle definition: Configuring Step bundle inputs.

Step bundle inputs share the same model as Step inputs. You can read more about Step inputs and their format: Step inputs reference.

  1. In your configuration YAML file, add the inputs property to your Step bundle.

    format_version: 11
  2. Under inputs, add key-value pairs that will be used for Step inputs.

    format_version: 11
        - cache_key: "npm-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}"
        - npm_command: install
  3. Add the keys to the appropriate Step inputs.

    In our example, we configured default inputs for the key input of the restore-cache Step and the command input of the npm Step.

    format_version: 11
        - cache_key: "npm-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}"
        - npm_command: install
        - restore-cache@1:
            - key: $cache_key
        - npm@1: {}
            - command: $npm_command

Configuring Step bundle inputs

You define Step bundle inputs in the Step bundle definition and you can't add new inputs outside the definition.

You can set new values for Step bundle inputs defined in the Step bundle in the Step list of the Workflow:

  1. In your configuration YAML file, find your Workflow and the Step bundle in its steps list.

  2. Add an inputs property where your Step bundle is referenced, and add a key-value pair to it.

    In this example, we set a new value of the cache_key input instead of its default value defined in the Step bundle. When the Workflow runs, the restore-cache Step will use the npm-cache value instead of npm-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}.

    format_version: 11
        - cache_key: "npm-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}"
        - NPM_COMMAND: install
        - restore-cache@1:
            - key: $cache_key
        - npm@1: {}
            - command: $npm_command
        - git-clone@8: {}
        - bundle::install_deps:
            - cache_key: "npm-cache-"
        - deploy-to-bitrise-io@2: {} 

Step bundle outputs

Steps can generate output variables. When Steps are included in a Step bundle, their output variables are available to all Steps in the Workflow after the Step bundle.

For example, if the Step bundle used in the Workflow uses the xcode-archive Step, the next Steps after the bundle will have access to the BITRISE_IPA_PATH output variable which is exposed by the Step.