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Connecting an app

Connecting an app in Release Management means connecting an iOS or Android app already registered on the App Store or on Google Play to a Bitrise app that has API access to these services. To be able to start using Release Management for your release workflows, you need to connect at least one app:



  1. Make sure your iOS app is registered on the App Store with an existing bundle ID.

    Later in the connecting process, you will have to select the app from the list of your available apps on App Store Connect.

  2. Make sure you have a Bitrise app with a working Apple service connection.

    Release Management requires a working Apple service connection to manage releases of a connected app in App Store Connect: Connecting to an Apple service with API key.

  3. Make sure you have a Bitrise Workflow that generates a signed App Store IPA file.

  4. On the Bitrise main page, open the left sidebar and select Releases. This opens the Release Management overview page.

  5. On the Release Management overview page, click Connect app. This opens the connection wizard dialog.

  6. Select a Bitrise app that generates an IPA file and click Next.

  7. Select App Store from the store options then click Next. A list of your App Store apps will appear, with the title and bundle ID of each app.


    All data is retrieved using the App Store Connect API.

  8. Select an app from the list and click Connect.

Managed publishing

We strongly recommend turning off Managed publishing in Google Play for your app. Release Management works even with the feature enabled but you will need to finalize each release in the Play Console.

  1. Make sure your Android app is registered on Google Play with an existing Google Play package name.

  2. Make sure you have a Bitrise app with a working Google Play service account.

    Release Management requires a Google service account with Google API access to manage releases of a connected app in Google Play: Connecting a Google Play Console service account to Bitrise.

  3. A Bitrise Workflow that generates a signed AAB file.

  4. On the Bitrise main page, open the left sidebar and select Releases. This opens the Release Management overview page.

  5. On the Release Management overview page, click Connect app. This opens the connection wizard dialog.

  6. Select a Bitrise app that generates an AAB file and click Next.

  7. Select Google Play from the store options then click Next.

  8. Enter the Google Play app's package name in the field and click the checkmark to validate it. If the package name is found on Google Play, the Connect button will be enabled.


    If the validation doesn't find a match, check if you typed the package name correctly and make sure your Google Play service account is working.

  9. Click Connect.