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Freeing up storage space on build machines


To free up additional disk space on Bitrise build machines, delete unneeded tools and resources by using a Script Step in your build.

If you need additional disk space on Bitrise build machines, you can always delete tools and resources that you do not use. You just need to use a Script Step at the start of your build. No space left on device

If you get the No space left on device, error during a build, you can try to free up additional space with the below method - the error indicates there's no more space available on the build machine.

  1. Check your stack's System Report on GitHub.

    The System Report includes the list of pre-installed tools and their version on the stack.

  2. Find the tools you don't need in your build.

  3. Log in to Bitrise and select Bitrise CI on the left, then select your app.

  4. Click the Workflows button on the main page.

  5. Add a Script Step to the beginning of your Workflow.

  6. In the Script content input of the Step, add the necessary commands to uninstall the tools.

Example 1. Uninstalling unneeded tools

If your app doesn't need Android SDK tools, you can remove them with the following commands in your Script Step:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/android-sdk 
sudo rm -rf /opt/android-ndk

You can delete iOS simulators that you don't use:

sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS\\ 10.3.simruntime/