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Skipping Steps


You can configure Steps in your Bitrise builds so that they don't run if the previous Step in the Workflow failed. This can help with avoiding wasting build time and credits.

You can skip certain Steps in your Bitrise build. There is no point in running, for example, a unit test Step if the previous Step failed to build your app.

Of course, there are examples when it’s better to run a Step even if the previous Step failed. For example, if the Cache:Pull Step fails, there is no reason not to run the next Step - in fact, if the next Step is one that installs dependencies then it’s a very bad idea to skip that Step if pulling the cache is unsuccessful.

Enabling a Step conditionally

You can also configure Steps to run only in certain conditions: Enabling or disabling a Step conditionally.

To set a given Step to be skipped if the previous Step failed:

  1. Log in to Bitrise and select Bitrise CI on the left, then select your app.

  2. Click the Workflows button on the main page.

  3. Select the Step you want to skip.

  4. On the right, find and open the When to run section and toggle the Run if previous Step failed option.
