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Identifying Workspaces and apps with their slugs


The API (and the Bitrise support team) often asks for slugs: a Workspace slug or an app slug. A slug is a unique identifier of one of these resources, consisting of hexadecimal numbers. You can find the slugs of a given Workspace or app both on the UI and in the API.

The API (and the Bitrise support team) often asks for slugs: a Workspace slug or an app slug. A slug is a unique identifier of one of these resources, consisting of hexadecimal numbers. You can find the slugs of a given Workspace or app both on the UI and in the API.

Finding a slug on the Bitrise website

You can find both Workspace slugs and app slugs on the Bitrise website.

Workspace slugs

App slugs

  1. Log in to Bitrise and hover over the left navigation bar.

  2. Make sure you have the right Workspace selected in the Workspace menu.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Once on the Workspace settings page, go to your browser's address bar.

    Your Workspace URL will look like this:

  5. Find the hexadecimal number after the /workspaces/ section of the URL. That is your Workspace slug.

  1. Open the app on Bitrise by clicking it on your Dashboard.

  2. Once on the app's page, go to your browser's address bar.

    The URL will look like this:

  3. Find the hexadecimal number after the /app/ section of the URL. That is your app slug.

Finding a slug with the Bitrise API

You can get the slug for all Workspaces and apps you have access to with simple API calls.

Workspace slugs

App slugs

  1. Authenticate with the Bitrise API.

  2. Call the GET /organizations endpoint with your Personal Access Token:

    curl -X 'GET' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: <ACCESS-TOKEN>'
  3. Find the slug in the response:

          "name": "TestOrg",
          "slug": "2dec5c71bbce73d9",
          "avatar_icon_url": "",
          "concurrency_count": null,
          "owners": [
              "slug": "1b3f130835b1c09ef2",
              "username": "bitbot",
              "email": "[email protected]"
  1. Authenticate with the Bitrise API.

  2. Call the GET /apps endpoint with your Personal Access Token.

    curl -X 'GET' \
      '' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: <ACCESS-TOKEN>'
  3. Find the slug in the response:

      "data": [
          "slug": "13aa9897-3891-4fe7-8cf5-5b2f75638b0e",
          "title": "TestApp",
          "project_type": "ios",
          "provider": "github",
          "repo_owner": "bitrise",
          "repo_url": "[email protected]:bitrise/TestApp.git",
          "repo_slug": "TestApp",
          "is_disabled": false,
          "status": 1,
          "is_public": false,
          "is_github_checks_enabled": false,
          "owner": {
            "account_type": "organization",
            "name": "Bitrise",
            "slug": "03a9543ede4d12bd"
          "avatar_url": null