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Managing build files


Using the Deploy to Step, you can deploy files generated during a build to You can also upload code signing files. You can view uploaded files on the Apps & Artifacts tab of the build page.

Managing files on Bitrise allows you to upload files to use in your builds. You are required to upload files for the purposes of code signing. Builds also produce files as outputs.

You can:

  • Upload files to the Generic File storage.

  • Use uploaded files in your builds.

  • Use encrypted files in your builds.

Using the Deploy to Step, you can deploy files generated during a build to You can view these files on the Artifacts tab of the build page.

In addition, you can check out a build's generated installable artifacts (installable binaries, either IPA or APK/AAB) files on the Artifacts page of an app. The page shows all generated binaries from past builds and you can view the details of each file, including a QR code and a link to the public install page, both of which allow users to install the app on their devices.

You can also upload both Android and iOS code signing files. Read more about Android code signing and iOS code signing in our detailed guides.