Preinstalled tools on Bitrise stacks
Every Bitrise stack comes up with a large number of preinstalled tools and applications. Check the list in the system reports repository.
Every Bitrise stack comes up with a large number of preinstalled tools and applications to make sure the build process of your apps is as smooth and fast as possible.
Every time we create or update a stack we publish a stack report for it as well. The stack reports include the list of preinstalled tools and their version on the stack.
We update stacks regularly: macOS and Linux stacks are updated regularly to provide the latest installed tool versions.
You can find every available stack’s stack report on our dedicated page: Bitrise stack reports.
Installing tools during a build
If you can't find a tool you need on the build machine, you can always install it during the build itself: Installing tools during a build.
You can find some concrete examples in our Knowledge Base: