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Remote access


Remote access allows users to connect to their build’s virtual machines via SSH or a screenshare app, which you can access from your build's Build details page.

Remote access allows users to connect to their build’s virtual machines via SSH or a screenshare app. A failed build can be rebuilt with remote access enabled to make troubleshooting a lot easier - for example, if the build logs don’t provide enough information about the error.

You can rebuild both standalone builds and pipeline builds with remote access.


Users who have the Testers/QA roles on the app CANNOT use remote access.

There are two ways to use remote access on our build machines:

  • SSH: this is available for both Linux/Docker based and MacOS machines.

  • Screenshare: this is only available for MacOS machines. It uses the VNC system.

With either method, you can access the build machine remotely during the build and for 10 minutes after the build is finished. If you would like to extend the availability of remote access, you can do so by adding a simple custom Script Step after the failed Step. Check out Extending the availability of remote access for more information.

Build time

When using remote access, 10 minutes will be added to your overall build time.

Remote access with SSH

To access a Bitrise build machine with SSH, you will need a command line interface and the correct command and password:

  1. Open the app on Bitrise.

  2. On the main page of the app, find the build you want to re-run with remote access and click it.

  3. On the Rebuild button, click the downward arrow to open the dropdown menu.

  4. Select Rebuild with remote access. This starts a new build that you can access remotely.

  5. In the SSH section, find the Command and run it in a command line interface.


And done! You should be able to access the virtual machine where your build is running.

Remote access with screenshare

To access a Bitrise build machine with a screenshare app, you will need the correct username, password, and address, as well as a VNC screenshare app:

macOS only

Remote access with screenshare is only available for Workflows that run on a macOS-based stack. If the Workflow's stack (or in absence of Workflow-specific stacks, the app's default stack) is a Linux-based one, you won't see the screenshare instructions at all.

  1. Open the app on Bitrise.

  2. On the main page of the app, find the build you want to re-run with remote access and click it.

  3. On the Rebuild button, click the downward arrow to open the dropdown menu.

  4. Select Rebuild with remote access. This starts a new build that you can access remotely.

  5. Under the Screenshare option, find the required information:

    • Address

    • Username

    • Password

  6. Open a VNC screenshare application.

    The simplest option is using the default Screen Sharing application on macOS.

  7. Fill out the required fields with the information from under the Screenshare option.

And done! You should now be able to access the virtual machine where your build is running.

Finding your files on the VM

Once you successfully logged in to the Bitrise virtual machine that ran your build, you can dive into the files themselves to see what’s happening in real time. After Bitrise finished cloning your app on to the VM, you can always access it at the following location:


Extending the availability of remote access

Remote access is available while the build is running and for 10 minutes after the build is finished. If this is not enough, there’s a simple workaround to make sure remote access is available for a longer time.

  1. Add a Script Step after the Step that causes the build to fail.

  2. Toggle the Run if previous Step failed option on to ensure the Script Step always runs.

  3. Add a command to let the build “sleep” for a time specified in seconds:

    sleep 5400

    This example lets the build run for 90 minutes. It should be no more than your build time limit, of course.

That’s it. While the build is still running, you can look around on the virtual machine for the possible issues that caused it to fail.