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App details in Ship


On the app details page in Ship, you can update the most important information about your app so all that info is available in the online stores you publish your app to.

The purpose of the app's Details page is to update the most important information about your app - for example, you can make sure all relevant information appears in your online store of choice.

The details include:

  • A description of the app.

  • Screenshots and feature graphics of the app, arranged by the different supported devices.

  • Metadata such as version number, size, version code, SDK version, and so on. The exact parameters depend on the type of the app. This is automatically exported to Ship by the Deploy to Step.

Adding screenshots or feature graphics

You can add screenshots for an app to be published. Once you added screenshots or graphics to one build version of the app, they are automatically added to all subsequent versions. If you want to display different screenshots, you can modify it, otherwise you can leave it alone.

To add screenshots or feature graphics to your app details page:

  1. Open the Details page in Ship of your app’s chosen build version.

  2. Go to Screenshots or Feature Graphic, depending on what you want to upload.

  3. Drag and drop a file OR click Browse files and select the ones you wish to upload.

  4. Once done, click Save in the top right corner.

Updating the app's descriptions

You can update the app’s description, or all its other textual details in the same way. The types of text fields that you have available depend on the type of the app.

  1. Open the Details page in Ship of your app’s chosen build version.

  2. Go to the field you want to edit and click in the content field.

  3. Edit the content.

  4. Click Save in the top right of the Details tab.